There are millions of people suffer every day social anxiety, generally are afraid to deal with the people, talk to strangers, go to public places, public speaking, go wrong and be judged by others.
These fears
cause anxiety and severe depression that can last a long time if your handle it correctly. The effects of not treating social anxiety include alcoholism and drugs. About 20% of all people with social anxiety as a way to use alcohol to cope with symptoms of anxiety and be able to be in social situations.
This personality disorder can become very frustrating severe depression is a common, some people with this disorder have a few close friends to do, but there are others that avoid people and their problems interfere with its proper functioning every day.
Stop going to work, to school, don't go to social events, avoid any possible social situation will feel anxiety.
The disorder causes emotional and physical symptoms such as palpitations, nausea, headache, sweating, and much more.
Social anxiety treatments there are different social anxiety help reduce and control some of the symptoms of anxiety treatments.
There are many medicines doctors prescribe drugs to treat social anxiety and reduce some symptoms such as: phenibut, Xanax, picamilon, pregabalin, Neurontin, Lexapro for social anxiety and many others. Drugs are classified as SSRIS, SRNIs, beta blockers, benzodiazepenes and others.
However, there are three antidepressants are approved by the FDA are Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor and.
However, these medications can cause side effects such as nausea, headaches, changes in sexual behaviour, and many more than your doctor will tell you, therefore have to go with a psychiatrist from a doctor so you can monitor their progress and avoid any risk.
Most useful for social anxiety therapy is psychotherapy, to help you identify and delete their irrational fears by what not is anxious and nervous in front of people more. Behavior therapy is the most common type of psychotherapy and works very well.
You should also find some social groups help anxiety that will help you move forward and make some new friends that you understand and want to support it.