The term "test anxiety" refers to the emotional reactions that some students have to exams. The fear of exams is not an irrational fear after all, how you perform on college exams can shape the course of an academic career. However, an excessive fear of exams can interfere with your ability to be successful in college.
Is it Anxiety or Study Habits ?
Students may blame test anxiety for poor performance on exams. This poor performance may be a lack of preparedness for a test (which causes anxiety), rather than classic test anxiety. Be sure to be well prepared.
Before the Test
- Discuss test content with the instructor and classmates.
- Develop effective study and test preparation skills.
- Spread review of class material over several days rather than cramming.
- Intensive review should be done a few days before test.
- Review text, notes, and homework problems.
- Use 3x5 cards for learning specific concepts or formulas.
- Take a practice test under exam-like conditions.
- Continue regular exercise program.
- Get sufficient rest and nutrition.
During the Test
- Read the directions carefully.
- Budget your test taking time.
- Change positions to help you relax.
- If you go blank, skip the question and go on.
- If you're taking an essay test and you go blank on the whole test, pick a question and start writing. It may trigger the answer in your mind.
- Don't panic when students start handing in their papers. There's no reward for being the first done.
The above information thankfully comes from the at the following link.